See Melissa's story!“This program is the most valuable thing I have done in my entire career. It has already paid for itself in spades whether I transitioned into another job or made more money. I believe every single woman should go through The Bridge to Fulfillment.
I was able to go into my interviews with such a different sense of self than I had before & it really propelled me to do things differently. Within 7 weeks, I landed a new role that I know is the right next step for me & increases my income by nearly 24%. With the negotiations assistance, I got an additional $25k/yr, moved up one level in paygrade and was awarded stock options.
I feel like everything connected with me during the work in the program. I’m excited that the program isn’t over yet & I can continue to learn and be a part of it.”
“This program has given me a voice, if that makes sense, that allows me to say, ‘Dawn this is what you do well,’ and I feel like I almost have permission to say that out loud & own it.
Thanks to The Bridge to Fulfillment team, I’ve jumped two levels to Vice President & the company literally created a role for me. I think if I didn’t have this program & this team to help me, I would have had a drastically different outcome. The fact that you are in it with us, lockstep, hand-in-hand every step of the way is incredible. I know I wouldn’t have been as successful doing this if I didn’t have you kind of on my shoulder, if you will, like an angel guiding me along.
I would tell any woman out there who is considering this program—do it. You will be so happy & thankful you did.”

See Meghan's story!“Within just a few months of working with Blake, I secured a new role that is scarily close to the dream job I envisioned (& thought wasn’t possible) AND was able to negotiate a 40% pay increase with an additional $36k MORE than I would have gotten on my own.
I made tons of new connections and finally broke into a new industry with the confidence I was lacking before. I am grateful this program has opened up doors, given me a long term career vision, and continues to help me craft a plan that evolves with me over time.”

See Amanda's story!“I feel so lucky to have found you & this program because it has changed & impacted my life in so many incredible ways.
I am happier & more positive. I’m actually excited about the future, whereas before I entered this program, I was nervous & didn’t know what was going to happen. I feel like I can communicate better. I ask better questions. And then on the other side of it, my personal life is better. I’m fighting less with my husband & with my family. I’m able to be more present in situations that I wasn’t in the past. I’m able to enjoy doing little things & not feel tired all the time. I feel more productive & excited to start the day.
It used to be a cycle that just kept going & going. And I’m glad that I don’t feel like I’m in that cycle anymore. Just that alone has been worth everything.”

See Karen's story!“It’s helped me regain my confidence & reassure me of what I have to bring to the table, which is a gift all in itself.”

See Robin's story!“This program was the best investment that I’ve ever made in and for myself! I am eternally grateful for Blake and Team at The Bridge to Fulfillment!”

See Sandra's story!“I came into this program looking for guidance on the job process & honing in on the skills that I was missing. I achieved what I was looking for & even more. Throughout my career I’d been given feedback that I’m not communicating with enough scope. The framework provided completely changed the way that I communicate both professionally & personally. I’ve already seen the improvement in the interview process & my day to day life. Honestly, I learned something from every single piece of the program.
This program also (unexpectedly) helped me obtain something I didn’t even know was possible. It’s almost as if my thought process, emotions & ability to make decisions moved up into another level, allowing me to gain so much more joy & peace than I had before.
The Bridge to Fulfillment has shown me that I can truly have what I need & want without sacrificing. I think if every woman took this program & applied what they learned, we not only would be living better lives, but I truly think we could run the world.”

See Donna's story!“This program has had a profound impact on my life, professionally & personally.
I was at a place in my career where I was tired of giving 150%, but not really feeling valued or satisfied in what I was doing. After watching your client stories, I felt like, ‘Well, that’s great for them, but that’s not going to work for me’. Part of me was skeptical because I had a good job, was getting paid decent money & should be grateful.
I couldn’t figure out how to maintain the level of professional role that I had & balance everything. It didn’t feel realistic that I could have my cake & eat it too.
The program directed me to think about what I really wanted, gave me tools to speak my voice & ask for the things that I needed. I learned how to shut down so I’m present with my daughter & my husband at home. It took away so much anxiety & made me a better employee, co-worker, wife & mother.
I’m really living the dream. I got a pay increase working full time remote from home & I get to build and expand my new role at a great company.”

See Kenzie's story!“The Bridge to Fulfillment isn’t just about getting a new job – it’s much more holistic than that. It’s a launchpad, setting you up with tools you can use for life.
I felt like I was in the wrong role, but I thought a change would mean a serious pay cut of tens of 1000s of dollars. It took me awhile to join the program because I thought I could do it on my own & looked at it as a cost instead of an investment…that was my biggest mistake.
At the time, I didn’t actually realize how much I needed.
In my first week, we spoke about asking for a salary increase & that conversation alone paid for the program & then some. Soon, I began to see a return in my personal life, work, & relationships. I learned how to set better boundaries, alleviate mental blocks I didn’t know I had & advocate for myself. I used to think my skills weren’t that unique. Now I know my worth & the value I add.
If you’re ready to move on, but you don’t know what’s next, take this program. You’ll be amazed at everything you get out of it.”

See Maureen's story!“From my very first call with Blake, I KNEW in my gut that The Bridge to Fulfillment was the right thing for me. But I kept waffling on my decision because I wasn’t sure if this was the right time for this kind of investment. I was also in such a tough place and so burnt out, tired, and exhausted that I was worried I wasn’t going to put in enough effort to get out what I wanted.
Today, I can’t say enough great things about this program. I’m so glad I decided to trust my gut because it has truly changed my life. My husband knows it, my family knows it, and everyone around me has shared that they’ve seen such a huge shift in me. I now have absolute confidence that I’ll find the right role because I know exactly what I’m looking for and have the tools to position myself. I’ve got my spark back, I have a much better rhythm & balance in my life, and am just excited for what’s to come.”

See Emilee's story!“I never thought this feeling would be possible for me—to feel this confident, successful, & just able to be my self.
And I honestly never would have gotten here if I didn’t invest in myself through this program. I feel like I owe you so much more of my life because of that and I’m so grateful to be able to have this time, money, & energy to be able to turn my life around completely. My husband made a joke halfway through the program. He’s like, ‘Well, can’t we make take this as an FSA deduction because it’s like therapy.’ I mean, that would be amazing. I think every person can benefit from what I have learned.”

See Stephanie's story!“The return on my investment has been far greater than what I put in or what I even expected.
When I first started talking to Blake, I was experiencing all of the symptoms of what was sure to be burnout soon. But once I started working through the program & gaining clarity, the anxiety kind of melted away. I was amazed at how quickly it happened. Within just the first couple of weeks, my husband said, ‘You seem very different, you seem happier, more relaxed, less stressed out.’ He was right. My stress & anxiety levels have been reduced by at least 70%.
My mental & physical health have improved and I am honestly just floored by the progress I’ve made & what I’ve learned about myself. This program has changed aspects of my life that I honestly didn’t believe were changeable. It’s almost like not being in a dark hole anymore. My family can see the hope in my eyes again & that alone has made it worth it.”

See Megan's story!“Going through this program has been life changing for me. I honestly wish I could give this program to every woman I know.
I had found myself in this constant cycle of being unfulfilled, but not knowing exactly what I wanted. Having been in the professional industry for a while, I thought I already knew all that I needed. But not only did I learn how to position myself in a career, I learned how to position myself as a person. I learned so many life-long skills that I didn’t even think I needed.
I thank God for getting me to the point where I met you, because I didn’t think I could actually find everything I was looking for at one company. I landed a hybrid role that I’m really excited about, with unlimited sick time, paid maternity leave, a phenomenal 401k match, and a 41% pay increase!
I got so many things that I didn’t think were possible & that I worried I’d have to compromise on. It’s all thanks to you & this program.”

See Stephanie's story!“I’ve worked in HR for 25 years. I’ve negotiated many offers on the other side of the table, but it’s different when you’re doing it for yourself. Getting help really paid off because if I hadn’t been in this program and gotten the coaching from you, I think I probably would’ve negotiated a little more than what they offered, but certainly not all that I got. I was finally able to get that elusive VP title I always wanted, 1000s of dollars more, & the company’s first ever fully-remote role.
You said to me: “It’s not about what they’re willing to pay you, it’s what you are worth,” and you did the research to show me exactly what I was worth. That really shifted my thinking. It was a job search strategy I had never tried, nor imagined trying. I started to really stand in who I am, what I want, and what I knew would make me happy. I stopped trying to convince employers to hire me and just put out what I wanted and needed, whereas in the past I would’ve applied to any job I was remotely qualified for and hoped for the best.
The mindset shifts I had in this program alone were more than I ever expected to get out of it, but I also felt like the program was tailored towards me and met me where I was. It just wouldn’t have been effective for me to continue at the pace I was. I had to pivot and change, and you helped me do that. That was really important and valuable to me as I went through this journey.”

See Kaytee's story!This program turned out to be one of the greatest things I’ve done for myself in a really long time.
The hardest part of this journey was joining… I kept waffling on my decision because I felt like I had tried everything & so nothing else would work.
Before the program, I constantly had the Sunday scaries to the point that I’d dream whether I had enough money to just stop showing up to work. I’d gone to therapy, hired a resume writer & even had someone optimize my LinkedIn. I felt like there was no end. I was applying to every job & just wanted OUT.
Once I made the decision & started the program, all of those fears melted away. Within the first few weeks, I began feeling more confident & better about my personal life & career.
Today, I feel like a completely different person. I’m engaged with my team & I’m more confident in meetings. I understand my value, what I’m good at & what I bring to the company.
I no longer feel like I have to prove myself. Even my boss & colleagues have noticed a difference.
I’m finally able to be intentional about my next opportunity because I now have the skills & tools to make a decision that’s right for me.
I’d been at my company my entire career & in the same role for the last 4 years. I felt at a standstill, just going through the motions, but even though I’d felt like this for a while, I never made any steps forward to try & figure it out. I felt lost, exhausted, & overwhelmed.
When I started the program, I honestly thought it was going to be solely focused on career coaching – & that’s certainly a part of it, but it was the life coaching parts that really created impact & helped unlock so much more for me.
Interestingly enough, the role I ended up moving into was a higher-level role within the same company, but I had spent so much time focusing on the title & whether it was for me that I realized I was actually getting in my own way.
This program helped me articulate exactly what I wanted & advocate for it with my boss. When I finally told her, she was able to easily help me find a new role that could be a great fit…and it all came down to having that conversation strategically.
Now, I’m showing up as a better leader, partner, & mother. The new skills I’ve gained help me show up & create better relationships. I used to feel stretched thin & always multitasking just to stay afloat. Now, I’m more patient & intentional about how I spend my time. I’m using the skills I’ve learned to help others & to create a more positive environment around me as well.

See Lindsey's story!“I’m a person who gives their all & I care so much, but when it came to the interview process or things I really wanted, I just felt like I was always falling short. For the longest time,I believed I just couldn’t communicate because I had such difficulty fitting in & feeling judged.
This program has not only helped me triumph over a belief that has limited me for 30+ years, it’s also made me a better communicator.
Blake helped me realize that when I find my right people & the right environment, it’s like magic.
Being able to now show up as I am & communicate what & how I want has given me so much power. I’ve felt such joy in reaching out & talking to so many different people who speak the same language I do. It’s beautiful & it’s effortless. I no longer feel like I have to say certain things to fit a structured mold.
I honestly feel like I know how to win because I am aligned with my secret sauce & I’m having a lot of fun. I’m in complete awe at how you bring out the best in me & everyone in this program.”

See Kathleen's story!I wish I had reached out to Blake a lot sooner, but I wasn’t sure that it would work for someone like me who had a more creative background. Even though I identified with a lot of what she talked about on the podcast, I didn’t see myself in the same realm as the powerful & inspirational women who shared their experiences.
After I made the call, I was totally put at ease. Speaking with Blake was like talking to an unbiased friend.I began to feel hope almost immediately. I felt like I had some clarity prior to the program, but Blake helped me dig even deeper & uncover my value. She helped me realize I was going against my grain for so long & that when I finally allowed myself to relax & do things my way…everything became so much simpler & the floodgates of opportunity opened.
I’ve been able to quadruple the amount of clients I have in my side business & have two great potential consulting positions in the works.
I now know my value & am seeing things in a completely different light where I’m in charge at the table, not just the person interviewing me. I can go in knowing my value, my credentials, & feel more confident about myself so I can set down my own rules.
Blake challenged me & helped me become the version of myself I knew existed deep down.

See Michelle's story!I wish I had met you 20 years ago. What you have done for me personally outweighs any career or financial gain I could have ever gotten through this program. I came into The Bridge to Fulfillment® thinking the career was the Holy Grail, & that you were going to fix my career. But really, you fixed me.
You fixed the way I perceive people looking at me & how I can help others. I’ve learned that I’m not perfect & I don’t have to strive to be. Unlocking some of those perfectionism roadblocks for me has been so darn freeing. As a result, I’m a whole lot more confident. It’s beautiful. And all of that happened in just the first month.
When I first started, I felt stuck & unhappy, but I didn’t know why…I was in the C-suite of a fantastic company & I just couldn’t put my finger on why. That feeling has dissipated now. I don’t feel stuck anymore. I feel excited that I have all these abundant opportunities.
I’m excited to ask questions, to network, to get help…because I’ve realized the beauty in not being perfect & that’s been life-changing. It’s helped me heal & finally step out of the box I’d created that was keeping me trapped.

See Melissa's story!I came into The Bridge to Fulfillment® when I was working 60+ hour weeks consistently, feeling completely consumed by work, & ready to quit my job. At first, the program seemed too good to be true, but the way it is structured actually helped me take baby steps to slowly take back control of my calendar & life. For people in more structured jobs like accounting or finance, you can trust the process and not worry about the how of the program, because you will get there.
I’ve worked with therapists in the past & everything, and nothing has been as tangible as the results I’ve seen here. I’ve noticed growth both professionally & personally, from mindset shifts to daily habits & beliefs. I’m bringing a better Melissa to work, to my deliverables, relationships – everything – and everyone recognizes it! Because I’m clear on my secret sauce, I can ask for what I want and actually get it without needing to take on more responsibilities.
I came in thinking success would mean finding a new job by the end of the program and moving on, but I got out so much more than a new job – in fact, I’m still in the same job & much happier than before, doing work that I am more aligned with & passionate about…
My results in this program exceeded any expectations I could’ve had.

See Angie's story!“I felt stagnant & over-consumed by work, constantly making trade offs with my personal life. I felt like I should be happy & grateful for the opportunities, but I knew deep down that I wasn’t fulfilled, & I was unsure how to break out of that burnout cycle. It took me 9 months to finally commit to & invest in the program because I was so worried about my lack of energy & how little time I had for myself. There was a lot of fear & self doubt around my abilities to create change.
I only wish I would have known that this program would give me the tools and resources to create action. I spent so much time in my head, overwhelmed, spinning my wheels to create change when, within just the first month of The Bridge to Fulfillment® program, I was amazed at how much time I was able to create for myself– not just for the program, but my family, my relationships, my self care, my hobbies, & just being able to be really present in life.
I was able to get such clear direction on what paths were most aligned with what I desired & what my true strengths & passions were, that I now have a very clear roadmap & know exactly what I need to create my dreams. I’ve learned that I am so much more than just my role & I’m in a really great place where I can follow the breadcrumbs & have a world of opportunity right in front of me… Regardless of whatever situation I may be in, I now have the tools in place to really step into my work & feel empowered to make decisions based on what is most important to ME in life.”

See Danielle's story!“I had just switched jobs & was 4 months into a new career path when we connected. I was tired of feeling emotionally & mentally plateaued. There was still a lot of upward mobility & growth in my career, but I wasn’t really invested in it. I wanted to regain the drive around what I was spending the bulk of my hours doing every day. Soon after I started the program, I got a random call from a doctor’s appointment & received some earth shattering news & I wondered if investing my time in the program was really worth it when I needed to take care of my health.
Honestly, it ended up being an incredibly supportive thing in my life, helping me realize I wasn’t alone & without it the whole situation would have been significantly worse… This program has not only helped me take care of my health – my stress level now is very low & I’ve been able to create boundaries with others at work – it’s given me a ton of clarity on the aspects of my job that I actually really love that I don’t think I would’ve identified on my own.
It’s also helped me change the story of what I’m telling others, shifting the focus from low-level tactical things to the huge strategy things I actually really love doing. This has made a tremendous impact in how I communicate my worth. But most importantly, it’s helped me realize that I’ve figured my way out of every situation. So regardless of what happens, the good and the bad, I’ll figure it out. And because of that, I have a lot less fear about my future.“

See Brittany's story!“I went through 6 months of coaching at my old job & didn’t get anywhere compared to where I got within just 45 days in your program. I’ve already transitioned into a dream role that I never expected to have at this stage in my life.
I feel completely confident in my ability to market myself. I’m in control of my work, my clients, my time & how I manage my day, how I show up and support, & it’s just incredible for me to feel that way… Because that’s when I’m able to do my best work.
Thanks to this program, I’ve moved up from manager to a director-level role with an increase in my base salary, but with this type of role, I also have the potential to make additional money, an opportunity which I’ve never had before in a corporate manufacturing role. It’s really unlimited potential and I’m still in shock that I even had this opportunity.”
UPDATE: “I’m pleased to say in my first year in this role, I increased my income by over 50%.”

See Christine's story!I was at an impasse & wanted to make sure that the next move I made would set me up for the next 10-15 years of my career… I just wasn’t sure what that move should be. I’d spoken with so many different people, peers, mentors, & job placement resources to help me decipher what my skills were, but all of these were very surface level… I needed someone that could look at me from a different lens.
The Bridge to Fulfillment® did just that. It wasn’t cookie cutter – it dove down deeper than surface level & helped me explore the deeper meanings of what was really driving me, what made me happy, my values, while having intentional conversations about it all. I was able to come in & be vulnerable in a way I had never been able to before…and yet still feel supported & not feel alone in the journey because we had a group of women going through similar experiences. I came in hoping to gain clarity on what I enjoyed doing & what my next step was, honestly thinking I needed to change industries. What I uncovered was that what I needed was a role where I could bring my whole self, not just parts of me. That & the mindset shifts I have taken away from this program have been game-changing. So much of the way I was operating was out of fear, & when I realized I had nothing to lose & everything to gain, it changed my outlook completely.
I’ve gotten much more comfortable reaching out to strangers when networking & standing in my value. I now feel more motivated & free to try something new, even though it may scare me. I have clarity on my path & what I need to feel fulfilled, & I’m confident in what my future holds.

See Kimberly's story!“I wish this program had been around 10 years ago when I first needed it, but I’m glad I did it now because it will drastically change the rest of my life. When I joined, I’d been struggling with severe burnout, anxiety, & not sleeping well for years. There would be periods of time when all I could manage to do was get up in the morning, work, & go to bed at night. I was exhausted & didn’t have time for anything else. And yet, from the outside, I looked successful. I was growing in my career & getting promotions. I kept climbing the corporate ladder, but it was not necessarily in the direction I wanted to go. Inside, I felt out of control & guilty for not being happy with my success.
I’d worked with other coaches before & knew I needed more personalized & tailored support than what I’d gotten elsewhere. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this program, but I really thought it would largely be about my career. I thought it would just give me a path in corporate to follow. But it ended up giving me so much more. It opened up how to look at industries differently, how to look at when I’m in my realm of genius, and what I really excel at. It gave me much deeper clarity about myself & how I work best. It helped me take control of my calendar & become more productive, a better leader, and so much more in control of my life.
When I started, I dreaded what the future was going to look like. I was just hoping to survive to retirement. Now I feel comfortable that no matter what comes, I have transferable skills & know how to move forward. So I don’t want to retire – I want to be doing this for the rest of my life!”

See Sharon's story!“The Bridge to Fulfillment program is different because it has more to do with the human attachment to your job than just a set of skills and a resume. It’s so much bigger than that. When I walk away from my desk & put my pen down at the end of the day, I want to feel good about what I did. Other job coaches don’t necessarily cover that.
With this new job, I’m getting a 30%+ increase to what I was making before & really feel a part of the team. It still blows me away to think of all that I’ve been able to get thanks to this program.
So today, I no longer have fear—my future is full of my hope. I feel confident and that, even if I don’t know something, I’ll find it out. I’ll learn it. I’ll seek it. And it’ll be okay.
The impact of this program has been so infinite, so great, that it needs to be brought into companies, universities, & into places where women can start out KNOWING their value and what they need to truly be fulfilled.
I’m incredibly grateful, you’ve really changed my life & my family’s life.”
“I’ve gone from feeling almost desperate, like, ‘I can’t do this anymore’ to ‘I can stick this out, I have it under control.’ I never thought I’d be able to make a career change that made sense financially & from a skill set standpoint, that would also be in line with my values & allow me to do something that felt like it was in line with my passions, but this program taught me otherwise.
I’ve grown more confident in what I want out of my life & I’m owning it…that has been a huge shift. It’s allowed me not only to control the situation at work while I job search, it’s also positively impacted my health immensely.
I’ve gained a lot out of this program in regards to my career, but the unexpected personal shifts that came with it made it truly life-changing.”

See Monique's story!“With Blake’s help, I was able to land a new role within 12 weeks of starting the program & the financial package was honestly more than I had ever hoped or expected. It came out to be about a 50% increase from what I was previously making, not to mention unlimited vacation days & the ability to work remotely when needed!
I had made a career switch & it was clearly not right for me. I reached a level of burnout I don’t ever want to experience again. I was constantly working evenings & weekends. I was getting messages on the weekends & expected to reply… It was just really stressing me out. I like to be able to show up for my kids & I’ve been able to do that in the past by having a bit more separation and balance in my work & life, but I just wasn’t getting that break.
That’s when I finally said to myself, ‘let me make sure this next switch is the right one’ & reached out to Blake. And I’m so glad I did, because I honestly don’t think I would have ever been able to do it on my own.
Without Blake & the Bridge to Fulfillment, I don’t think I would’ve gotten even half of what I did in my new role.”

See Ashley's story!“My biggest fear was that I had to find a job that also had flexibility & allowed me to work remotely… but I wasn’t sure whether I could realistically have all of that.
Without The Bridge to Fulfillment, I don’t think I would have gotten to where I am now & felt confident that it was the right decision, but I do.
Within just 2 months of working with Blake, I’m moving into a role that fulfills all the criteria I set out to achieve from the beginning—remote work, flexibility, tons of growth opportunity, AND a salary that’s more than double my previous income (with the negotiation skills I learned in the course, I was able to increase my income by $58k, get an additional week of vacation AND a sign-on bonus).
There’s no way I could have ever done this on my own & replicated these results.”

See Charlotte's story!“Joining this program was the single best thing I did for my family AND my career.
Initially, I balked at the investment and thought I could do it myself. What I realized though was that it’s not the exercises and homework that provide real insights, it’s the conversations, tough reflections, and frankly, the boost of confidence and cheerleading that we all need to get outside of our comfort zones and into the good stuff.
I was able to land my dream job, in a dream location, all with greater confidence that I am doing what I truly want & am capable of. Having this framework has helped me navigate & continues to help me navigate my professional career.
As I look at the impact the overall experience had on where I am now— I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”
“I feel safe & secure again in my career & financial situation.
The difference between my old toxic environment and where I am now could not be more night and day. The people are so supportive & really invested in my growth & I’m already making more than I was at my old job with fewer expenses like monthly subway fare. The culture of the company is great—they literally live their values & my co-workers actually behave as a team.
In just 11 weeks, I moved to a new industry working 100% remotely with amazing benefits. I went from having a lot of anxiety about my future & dealing with chronic pains & migraines on the regular to having more energy, feeling a lot better overall (I haven’t had a migraine in over 8 months!), & waking up in the morning excited to start my day.”