Build Confidence in Your Decision-Making

Ep: 212

When it comes to decision-making, do you usually start by asking the people in your life what they think you should do?

While it might seem like a good idea to gain outside perspectives, sometimes your own feelings can get lost in that sea of advice.

Not only does so much extra input have the potential to blur your own thoughts and feelings, but it’s also time consuming.

Today on The Bridge to Fulfillment Ⓡ, Blake explains the importance of having real confidence when it comes to making decisions, and how that confidence can have positive effects on other areas of your life.

In this episode, you’ll learn why decision-making can be so challenging for women. You’ll learn specific steps you can take to build your confidence muscle, and how career coaching can be a highly effective tool in helping you through that process. You’ll also learn why clarity and understanding are key elements that will help you build more confidence and help you save time in your decision-making process.

In a world where it constantly feels like there’s not enough time, building confidence in your own ability to trust your decisions is one way you can get a tremendous amount of time back.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Why so many women struggle to have confidence in their decision-making (0:38)
  • The steps to becoming a more confident decision maker (1:48)
  • How career coaching can help you recognize your blind spots (2:35)
  • Building and strengthening your confidence muscle (3:02)
  • How trusting yourself changes everything (3:51)

Favorite Quotes:

  1. When we lack confidence, we often seek consensus from our friends or family, and so we listen to other people’s opinions more than our own. –Blake
  2. The journey to building confidence in yourself is a muscle that you build over time. –Blake
  3. Confidence in yourself, who you are, and your ability to create the life you want is truly priceless. It changes how you feel and what you think, and ultimately, it changes the outcomes that you get every single day. –Blake

Additional Resources: 

Rather than hoping the grass will be greener, identify what the RIGHT next step is.
We can help you do just that.

Get clarity on where you are on your journey to career fulfillment, where you’re headed, optional paths to get there, and the right next step to take.

Start your complimentary, Personalized Career Fulfillment Plan by going to

Want free resources to set your job search up for success? You can get them by going to:

For other programs and opportunities to work with Blake, go to


Blake Schofield 0:05
Hi, I’m Blake Schofield, founder and CEO of The Bridge to Fulfillment®, mom to three, USA Today top 10 professional coach, and former corporate executive who got tired of sacrificing my life for a comfortable paycheck. My mission is to expand women’s perspectives and empower them to achieve greater impact at home and work without sacrifice. This is The Bridge to Fulfillment®.

Blake Schofield 0:38
One of the biggest things that I see that keeps people from achieving their goals and actually creating the fulfillment they want for their lives, is not having the confidence in themselves and their decision making. And that’s what we’re talking about on today’s episode of The Bridge to Fulfillment®. Because when we lack that confidence, we often seek consensus from our friends or family, and spend a lot of time doing so. We listen to other people’s opinions more than our own. We second guess what we believe to be true, we ignore or overrule our quote unquote, inner compass. And ultimately, often we end up spending hours, days, weeks or months, trying to gather evidence to prove what we already believe is the right thing for us. And in a world where constantly feels like we wish we had more time, this is a place you can get a tremendous amount of time back through actually having clarity and understanding and confidence in your decision making.

Blake Schofield 1:41
So how can you build confidence in your own decision making instead of seeking reassurance from someone else? First and foremost, you want to increase your self awareness. truly learn who you are, what you value, and what your biases, fears and emotional triggers are. Because without that understanding, you won’t be able to truly build a deep confidence in yourself, nor truly trust what you think. Because most of us don’t know this, but our brain actually lies to us, especially under circumstances of change, fear or the unknown. And if you don’t have awareness to what stories your brain is telling you, and whether those stories are actually based in truth, or to be honest, more likely, based on limiting beliefs or fear based patterns, then you won’t be able to distinguish your inner voice from the fear that’s goal is to keep you stuck doing what you’ve already been doing.

Blake Schofield 2:35
The second thing is you want to understand that we all have blind spots. Actively begin to expand your perspective as to what yours might be. This is best done through a trusted mentor or two who can help walk through your circumstances, your approach and your thinking and situations to identify what your quote unquote lens is. And whether you are seeing the full picture. Or likely if there’s even more opportunity that you hadn’t even considered now know that the journey to building confidence in yourself as a muscle that you build over time, we don’t move from not confident or second guessing ourselves to confidence. Instead, you learn and apply to lessons over time. And as you do that, you shorten the length, and the depth of some of those worst days, moments or emotional challenges. And eventually what happens is that begins to raise the floor, you improve those worst days, which also then improves your best days. And overall, you continue to grow and you experience more and more and more of what you want, and less of the things that you don’t. And what that does is start having you create more moments, days and weeks where you feel and perform at your best.

Blake Schofield 3:50
Over time you begin to build up the evidence that shows you you can trust yourself. And when you do, then you can truly build the life and future that you want. There’s so much gold in this work. Honestly, it truly changes your life in so many ways, many of which, probably today you can’t even imagine. Because those I often say how you do one thing is how you do everything. So if you second guessing your personal decisions, you’re second guessing at work. If you’re seeking consensus from people in one area, you’re likely seeking consensus in other areas. And all of those things began to add up to not just days, weeks, months, hours that you’re spending in efficiently, but in a feeling that you don’t have the ability to create what you want or control your life or that you can’t trust yourself.

Blake Schofield 4:40
And so what I want you to know is this journey doesn’t happen overnight. But hopefully I’ve been able to help you see it as a journey so well worth taking because confidence in yourself, who you are and your ability to create the life you want is truly priceless. It changes how you feel and what you think will It ultimately changes the outcomes that you get every single day.

Blake Schofield 5:05
Thanks again for joining me. And until next time, have a great week.

Blake Schofield 5:14
Thanks for joining me today. Rather than hope the grass will be greener identify what the right next step is. We can help you do just that. Get clarity on where you are in your journey to career fulfillment, where you’re headed, optimal paths to get there, and the right next step to take. Start your complimentary personalized career fulfillment plan at Again, you can get your personalized career fulfillment plan at Thanks again for joining and have a great week ahead.