Create More Space in Your Day & Life

Ep: 184

Do you feel like you’ve fallen into the quicksand of busyness? Would you love to find time in your day to be more present and do the things you enjoy, but the gravity of your never ending task list keeps pulling you down?

If you feel like you don’t have the time, energy, or space to relax or do things you want in your life, you’re probably living in constant fight or flight mode.

Today on The Bridge to Fulfillment, Blake shares why we get sucked into so many to-do’s, and how that perpetual level of stress can negatively affect your health and your quality of life. She explains how career coaching can help you see things from a different vantage point, identifying stressors that you might not be able to see from where you’re sitting.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to start identifying the biggest stressors in your life and how you can detach from patterns and habits that aren’t serving you. You’ll also hear the right questions to ask yourself in order to tap into productivity hacks, helping you find more time and space in your day.

The journey to creating space in your life isn’t something that will happen immediately. It takes reflection and intention, but it might be the most valuable work you can do in your life. 


What You’ll Learn:

  • Why we struggle to find the space we need in our day-to-day lives (1:16)
  • The reason we repeat patterns that aren’t allowing us to thrive (2:36)
  • Looking at your daily patterns to determine if you’re existing in fight or flight mode (5:15)
  • Identifying your biggest stressors (6:41)
  • 4 questions to better understand the scope of your stress (9:30)


Favorite Quotes:

  1. “This idea of having space, being more present, and having more time in your day-to-day is something that we all strive for. Yet, it’s something we continue as a society to struggle with all of the time.”
  2. “We find ourselves in patterns that feel perfectly normal to us, but we don’t even realize how high our stress levels are or the patterns that are stopping us from creating what we want.”
  3. “It’s super easy to blame our circumstances. But the reality is we actually have far more control of our circumstances than we think we do.”
  4. “We can’t expect people to set boundaries or habits for us, we have to learn to advocate for what we want.”


Additional Resources: 

Rather than hoping the grass will be greener, identify what the RIGHT next step is. 

We can help you do just that. 

Get clarity on where you are on your journey to career fulfillment, where you’re headed, optional paths to get there, and the right next step to take.

Start your complimentary, Personalized Career Fulfillment Plan by going to

Want free resources to set your job search up for success? You can get them by going to:


Blake Schofield 0:05 Hi, I’m Blake Schofield, founder and CEO of the Bridge to Fulfillment, mom to three, USA Today top 10 professional coach, and former corporate executive who got tired of sacrificing my life for a comfortable paycheck. My mission is to expand women’s perspectives and empower them to achieve greater impact at home and work without sacrifice. This is the Bridge to Fulfillment. Do you ever wish that you had just more space or time to be more present in your life, maybe you wish you had more space in your brain that you can find your brain was constantly thinking. If so, you’re gonna love today’s episode, we’re talking about how to create more space and get off the hamster wheel of life. And I’d like to start at a place that maybe feels a little different than you expected. But to me, it’s really about starting at the beginning, because we have to meet everyone where they’re at. And often I think we’re starting and skipping the most important steps to be able to get what we want. I think this idea of having space being more present and having more time in your day to day is something that we all strive for. And if you look at industries out there, there’s so much money in the industry of productivity calendar, trying to help people learn how to achieve their goals, how to help people learn how to do more, more, more. Yet, it’s something we continue as a society struggle with all of the time. And that’s because most of us are skipping the very things that we need to be doing in order to actually create space in our days, our lives and be more present and enjoy the life that we have. Our lives become processes of just going through the motions. And often that’s because we find ourselves in fight or flight mode. So what is that? Well fight or flight syndrome happens when we’re under high levels of periods of stress for a period of time, or when we’ve consistently tried to solve a problem, but we haven’t been able to find that answer. And so what happens is our creative and problem solving part of our brain, it just sort of shuts off, we actually lose access to it. So it’s almost as if you fallen in quicksand. And if you know anything about quicksand, the more you move your arms and legs, the deeper and deeper you get stuck. Our lives become like that in so many ways. And here’s the thing, our brains are actually wired for survival, which means they’re wired for us to consistently do the same things day in day out, it makes us feel safe. Think about it. In olden days, if you’re a caveman or cave woman, and you went outside that cave, anything that was unknown was dangerous. So you stuck with the things you knew. But today, that’s just no longer true. But unfortunately, our brains are still wired that way. And so we get stuck in these patterns of doing things over and over again, that are helping us survive, but not really thrive in the lives we’re leading. It doesn’t really allow us to grow, or to create transformational change in our lives. And so in order to do that, we have to be more thoughtful. And we have to override that natural instinct that we have just to survive and do the things we know, day in, day out. So let me give you an example of how easy it can become to get stuck in the quicksand or the hamster wheel of life. And here’s a personal example from my life. You know, on returning to work from maternity leave, after I had my first child, I was moved into a brand new job as a quote unquote guinea pig for a new company career path and training process.

Blake Schofield 3:46 At the time, I was really nervous. I felt like the job wasn’t a fit for my passions or my strengths. And I went into it worried I wouldn’t be successful. So I came back from maternity leave to a brand new division, a brand new boss, and a brand new area. And at that time of my life, I would have told you I was really good at handling stress that I thrived under stress. Well, about two months for into my return from work. I ended up one day actually getting this huge, painful. I would describe it as like what felt like a spider bite on my side. And then over the next couple of days, it began to spread. So I immediately made a doctor’s appointment. And I’m thinking, listen, I live in Texas, we have brown recluse spiders that could actually kill you. So I’m thinking, Man, I need to go to the doctor, I’m in trouble. I think I’ve gotten bitten by this dangerous spider bite. And the doctor looks at me and he says that’s not a spider bite. That’s shingles. And my immediate reaction was like, I’m 28 years old, and that’s an older person disease. Doesn’t that only happen to people that are like 60 or 70 years old? That doesn’t happen to people like me? So I asked him how in the world could that happen? And I will never forget he looked at me and he said stress. That’s the only cause of something like Take this at your age. And it was the first time I began to realize that maybe the stress levels I was leading in my life were unhealthy. And I realized that what was very normal to me actually was incredibly unhealthy. And so a big part of how to create more space in your life is to begin at the very beginning, which is to look at what’s happening in your life on a day to day basis. And are you finding yourself going through the motions, are you in fight or flight, because if you are, you’re going to be applying a lot of tactics, but you’re not actually going to see or be able to create the space in your life that you truly desire. This is important again, because as I mentioned, we find ourselves in patterns that feel perfectly normal to us. And likely, we don’t even realize how high our stress levels are, or the patterns that are stopping us from creating what we want. And so if you’re sitting in a place where you feel like on a daily or weekly basis that you don’t have the time, or the energy or the space to do things you want in your life to feel calm, or just relaxed, I can almost guarantee that to some degree, you’re in fight or flight in your life. So we talked about creating space. And we’re starting here because we have to look at how you’re functioning on a day to day basis. And what are the things creating stress or anxiety in your life. So if I were to ask you on a scale of one to 10, how much stress you think you have on a daily basis, and just be honest with yourself, with one being zero and 10, being stressed out consistently, almost every day? Where would you say you are today. What I want you to understand is if you are stressed, you aren’t going to be able to create space and maintain space in your life. So the first step is to stop and identify the biggest stressors in your life. Most likely, I’m gonna imagine one of these three things is going to pop into your mind. Number one, I don’t have enough time. Number two, I don’t have control over my calendar, my boss, my company, my kids, etc, are really the ones that do. Or number three, I just have too many things to do. And all of these seem completely viable is super easy to blame our circumstances. But the reality is we actually have far more control of our circumstances than we think we do. Usually, what I see is that we’re not spending our time on the right things. And so we feel out of control in our time. We’re not asking for the changes that we need, because we don’t have the right habits, boundaries, etc. Or we get stuck in a pattern of chasing more, instead of actually doing the things that get us closer. And what do I mean by that about chasing more instead of getting the things that are closer to us? Well, our brains are actually hardwired for more. We believe that if we have more money, more things, more time, more accomplishments, that that will actually get us where we want to go in life. But the reality is, that’s very rarely true. In fact, the key to success often is having less and focusing on less, but in doing it more successfully.

Blake Schofield 8:06 And so why is this relevant to you, because it’s so easy to get caught in the cycle of feeling like everything is important, and you must do it all. But that’s actually an illusion. It’s also easy to believe that we don’t have control over what’s going on in our lives. But by abdicating that responsibility, you stay stuck in the same patterns that are keeping you from living the life you want, while also shortening the quality, and the quantity of your life. So for today, this is just a thought starter for you to begin to look at your life. And as you embark on this journey of making more space in your day in life, it might at times feel overwhelming, or maybe too good to be true. But understand the path is one of peeling back layers of an onion. It doesn’t happen all at once. It starts with little steps. And the first step is in identifying what is my stress level today on a scale of one to 10? How much space do I have in my day? And what are the top two to three biggest stressors in my life? So I’m going to say it again so that you can catch that. The first step is identifying what is my stress level today on a scale of one to 10? The second how much space do I have in my day? And the third, what are the two to three biggest stressors in my life? Once you identify those, then you can begin brainstorming about what actions you could take to reduce those stressors. And you can use these four questions as what I would call your quote unquote lens. Asking yourself number 1am I spending my time on the right things, the things that must go right, right now. Number two, do I have the right boundaries and habits in my life as it relates to the particular struggle or challenge I’m dealing with? Number 3am I asking for what I want. Often we don’t do this And we can’t expect people to read our minds. And we can’t expect people to set boundaries or habits for us, we have to learn to advocate for what we want. And number four, is what I’m doing, going to get me closer to the life that I want the things I value, or am I just doing more things, but they’re not actually things that are gonna get me closer to the life I want maybe being more present with my kids, maybe working less, maybe the ability to build deeper friendships, it could be any number of things, but stop and look at the activities that you’re doing in your life? And are they actually getting you closer to what you want? Or is it just more stuff to do? You know, the process of creating more space in your life begins by stripping away those stressors. And then it transitions into cutting out and cutting away the things in your life that aren’t necessary. The journey to creating space in your life isn’t something that will happen immediately. It takes reflection and intention, but it can be some of the most valuable work you can do in your life. You know, today I have so much more space in my life than I ever thought was possible. But just a few years ago, I looked at my calendar and thought all the things in front of me were unnecessary. I had so many times of overwhelm, trying to do it all. I had ideas that came and I wanted to execute. But I struggled to deal with everything else going on in my life. I felt like there were so many areas of my life, I didn’t have control over and I just had to work around. And now I can tell you that much of what I was doing in my life wasn’t necessary. You know, my mentor, Dr. Jeff shares that it’s really only two to three days out of the year that make the most impact. And on a weekly basis, there are really only one or two things you need to focus on right now to move you forward. But one of the biggest challenges in doing this work is that we can only see things from our vantage point. So if you apply what I share here today, and you find yourself struggling to see a different approach, or a way that you can create positive change in your life, I encourage you to seek out advice from someone who’s already done what you’re looking to do. Those who are successful have learned the processes and the mindset to create that change. And one of the very best things you can do is take the shortcut and benefit from the lessons they’ve gained.

Blake Schofield 12:17 Thanks for joining me today. Rather than hope the grass will be greener identify what the right next step is. We can help you do just that. Get clarity on where you are in your journey to career fulfillment, where you’re headed, optimal paths to get there, and the right next step to take. Start your complimentary personalized career fulfillment plan at  Again, you can get your personalized career fulfillment plan at  Thanks again for joining, and have a great week ahead!