Dialogue for Change Part 2: Finding a Way Forward With Nicola Watson, Robin Adams & Erica Hargrove

Ep: 70

Although conversations are a component of societal change, they must be followed by action. With that in mind, how do we, as a society, take actual, meaningful steps towards ending violence and injustice?

On this episode of The Bridge to Fulfillment, the Dialogue for Change continues as Nicola, Erica and Robin share their unique experiences and discuss the mentalities taking shape in the way we talk about Black Lives Matter and police brutality, confronting the overwhelming nature of the changes that need to happen, being grounded in acceptance and pride in their identities as Black women, and using your individual gifts to be a catalyst for lasting, positive change in your corner of the world. Listen in for valuable, insightful perspectives on changing our world. This episode is the second part of a two-part series.

You’ll Learn

  • Why defining “success” is integral to taking action (and evaluating the words and deeds of others in the conversation) against injustice and facilitating change
  • How to begin to effect large-scale, global shifts in both thought and action
  • How the American prison system dehumanizes those who go through it and damages their reentry into society after
  • And much more!

Favorite Quote

“We need specific criteria specific goals that we’re going to be working towards. And when these goals are solved, that’s when you can say we’ve been successful.” Nicola Watson

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