Is it Time for a Change?

Ep: 203

If you’ve been feeling that it’s time for a change, then why not take the first micro step toward creating it?

Today on The Bridge to FulfillmentⓇ, Blake reveals why it’s up to you to stop waiting for change to happen. With exclusive FREE resources she shares in today’s episode, taking the first step can be easier than you think.

In this episode, you’ll learn how continuing to experience misalignment in your career affects your personal life, disconnecting you from friends and family. She describes some of the feelings and emotions that you might be experiencing that are the key to understanding whether it’s time to make a change. She also shares access details to a FREE special video and worksheet if you’re ready to take the first step toward a happier, more fulfilling life.

“You often feel tired, not because you’ve done too much, but because you’ve done too little of what sparks a light in you.” –Alexander den Heiser

What You’ll Learn:

  • How feeling unhappy in your career can disconnect you from people (1:38)
  • What you can do right now if you’re feeling like you need something to change (3:27)
  • Why you shouldn’t wait to find a career that aligns with your gifts (4:46)

Favorite Quotes:

  1. I was searching for so many years to understand what would really make me happy. That entire process led to so many years of guilt, shame, and disconnect from people because I felt misunderstood. I felt judged. I didn’t feel like my family or friends really understood what I was struggling with. –Blake
  2. If I had understood what I was experiencing were truly signs and symptoms of misalignment, it could have saved me years of wasted time, energy, and emotional bandwidth. It would have given me the ability to understand more of my gifts, skills, and talents, and discover the best way to use them and align them in an environment where I truly can be me. –Blake
  3. You often feel tired, not because you’ve done too much, but because you’ve done too little of what sparks a light in you. –Alexander den Heiser

Additional Resources: 

FREE video and worksheet to help you determine if it’s time for change:

Rather than hoping the grass will be greener, identify what the RIGHT next step is. 
We can help you do just that. 

Get clarity on where you are on your journey to career fulfillment, where you’re headed, optional paths to get there, and the right next step to take.

Start your complimentary, Personalized Career Fulfillment Plan by going to

Want free resources to set your job search up for success? You can get them by going to:


Blake Schofield 0:05
Hi, I’m Blake Schofield, founder and CEO of The Bridge to Fulfillment, mom to three, USA Today top 10 professional coach, and former corporate executive who got tired of sacrificing my life for a comfortable paycheck. My mission is to expand women’s perspectives and empower them to achieve greater impact at home and work without sacrifice. This is The Bridge to Fulfillment.

Blake Schofield 0:39
Often when we’re successful in our careers that we feel unsettled, or that there must be something more, we aren’t really sure what to do with that feeling. And often we equate change to risk. You know, it can be really confusing sometimes to understand why we’re unhappy when we have all of the things that we thought success would look like. And when everyone around us, looks at what we have and says you should just be happy. You know, I went through this for so many years wondering honestly, was it me, maybe I just would never be satisfied or fulfilled. I had so many people telling me that I should be grateful for what I had, that maybe I just needed a hobby, or I needed to care about work less. I wondered, was it just that I was bored, and I needed more challenge? Or was I unhappy because of this type of company? Maybe it was this industry, maybe it was I just kept picking the wrong bosses. And to be honest, I was searching for so many years to actually understand what would really make me happy. And that entire process led to so many years of guilt, shame, and honestly growing disconnect from other people because I felt misunderstood. I felt judged. And I didn’t feel like my family or friends really understood what I was struggling with. And they kept just saying to me, Well, not everybody likes their job, you should just be happy with what you have, et cetera. I love this quote from Alexander den Heiser, you often feel tired, not because you’ve done too much. But because you’ve done too little of what sparks a light in you. You know, after decades of personally living through the emotional roller coaster moving to a new job and going through that honeymoon excited cycle only to find myself six to nine months in feeling starting to feel frustrated. And going back to that cycle of same thing again, Will I ever be happy? What do I need to do differently? I would go up and down, up and down this roller coaster seeking the thing that would finally make me feel fulfilled long term, three cross country moves. And now years and over 1000 conversations later, I can tell you that signs and symptoms of misalignment are very clear. It’s become incredibly easy for me to pinpoint what’s really happening in people’s lives. And where the things are misaligned that are truly creating frustration, anxiety, unhappiness, and lack of really being able to fully live your life and embrace your life authentically. And in a way that allows you to feel valued and fulfilled every day. And so if you’re wondering personally for yourself, is it time for change in my career, what would actually make me happy, I have a special video and a free worksheet that could help you get clear to know for sure if it’s time for a change, because that’s really the first thing you need to be able to understand is what am I experiencing. And are these really signs and symptoms that I need to do something different. And so I want to offer that up to you today. If you have been unfulfilled and you’ve been going through patterns of burnout or patterns of hoping that the next job the next opportunity, the next company would finally make you happy. If you’re debating and trying to figure out what’s next for you. I encourage you to check out these free resources and use them for yourself to be able to get some more clarity on where you’re at and the right path for you. I’m gonna put the link to get this freebie in the show notes. But you can also go to it by going to my website, Scroll all the way down that homepage. You’ll see photos of clients success stories and they’ll be a little pop up that pulls up and says Is it time for a change? Enter your information there and you’ll get immediate access to download this information. This is the stuff I wish I had had when I was going through cycle year after year after year of trying to figure out what was wrong. When I first started my career in human resources and had my first career crisis wondering what in the world was I going to do when I kept spinning months and years job searching trying to take the pieces of information that I had figured out that weren’t working and change those in the next job. And if I’d had this information back then if I had understood what I was experiencing were truly signs and symptoms of misalignment, it could have saved me years of wasted time, energy, emotional bandwidth, and the ability to truly understand more of my gifts, skills, talents, and the best way to use them, and how to align them in an environment where I truly can be me. And I can enjoy and have the harmony, impact, and fulfillment and all of the things I do. So again, I encourage you, if this is where you’re at, you can go to my website, the bridge to, scroll down and be able to figure out for yourself, is it time for a change? And what are the signs and symptoms that you’re looking at that tell you what’s the right next step for you. Thank you so much for joining me here today on the bridge to fulfillment I so appreciate those of you who are consistent listeners. But I also appreciate the new listeners as well. And I just encourage you if there’s anyone you know who could benefit from this information, I know there’s a lot happening out there in the world today. And being able to understand and have the power, the knowledge and the skills to create what you want, both for your career and life could not be even more important today than ever. So with that said, have a wonderful week, and I’ll see you here next time. Thanks for joining me today. Rather than hope the grass will be greener, identify what the right next step is. We can help you do just that. Get clarity on where you are in your journey to career fulfillment, where you’re headed, optimal paths to get there, and the right next step to take. Start your complimentary personalized career fulfillment plan at Again, you can get your personalized career fulfillment plan at Thanks again for joining and have a great week ahead!