MidCareer Transitions: Risk or Opportunity?

Ep: 139

If you’ve often felt pulled toward making a career change, but think you’re just too deep in your current line of work to risk transitioning, you’re not alone.

For many women, mid-career transitions often feel too risky, but the truth is that the skills and experiences you’ve already gained in your position are actually adding more value to what you have to offer. With such an abundance of experience and knowledge to share, mid-career may even be the BEST time for you to make a change.

Today, Blake breaks down the barriers and debunks the most common myths around mid-career transitions. She uncovers the root of the fears that keep us stuck and shares why transitioning in the middle or later part of your career is not only common, but can be one of the absolute best times to do so.

It’s time to move past your fears and learn how to communicate the unique skill set that only you bring to the table.

What You’ll Learn:

  • 4 reasons why mid-career is the best time for a transition (1:11)
  • How to stop making fear-driven decisions (3:36)
  • Are you trying to accelerate with your foot on the emergency brake? (5:04)
  • Why you might feel stuck when all you want is change (7:22)
  • The real risk of staying on a path that isn’t right for you (9:12)

Favorite Quotes:

  1. We only know what we’ve seen and experienced. And if you’ve been in the same company, role, or industry your entire career, you’re limited to what your experiences and knowledge have been.
  2. You create the life you want by going after the possibility and the opportunity.
  3. The risk isn’t in creating change. The risk actually comes from staying in a path that doesn’t align.
  4. Opportunity comes when you seek help from someone who has been there and done that and been able to do the same for others.

Rather than hoping the grass will be greener, identify what the RIGHT next step is.

We can help you do just that.

Get clarity on where you are on your journey to career fulfillment, where you’re headed, optional paths to get there, and the right next step to take.

Start your complimentary, Personalized Career Fulfillment Plan by going to www.thebridgetofulfillment.com/plan

Want free resources to set your job search up for success? You can get them by going to: https://thebridgetofulfillment.com/mistakes
