Navigating a Successful Transition

Ep: 28

“When you’re dealing with something as important as transitioning your life or career, you need to make sure you have the right foundation for success.” –Blake Schofield (8:46-8:56)

Making a transition requires consistent focus, action, and a long-term perspective. This can cause us to make a wide range of mistakes that keep us from reaching our goal, whether it’s transitioning into a new career, industry, or business. The mistakes people make cause them to create problems that don’t exist while spending time, money, energy, and other resources on the wrong things.

“Transitioning successfully requires a transformation of your mindset, an investment in you, and the discipline and accountability to step forward every day towards your dream.” 

– Blake Schofield (21:53-22:09)

Knowing how to reduce the risk and spend your time on the things that matter can result in a successful transition without you having to take a leap or worry about moving in the wrong direction.  By recognizing the common mistakes people make, you’ll be more likely to avoid them and develop the clarity of focus, discipline, and the consistency you need.

The Most Common Mistakes People Make When Trying to Transition

Spending more time and energy doesn’t always give you better results. The well-known Pareto principle states that 80% of our results come from 20% of the things we do. Doing more may only add to the pile without making you more effective.

The following are some of the most common mistakes people make when making a transition:

  • Becoming stuck and overwhelmed
  • Lack of clarity with your goals
  • Seeking advice from people who aren’t qualified to give you advice
  • Hoping your current situation is going to get better
  • Wanting immediate results
  • Focusing too much on current circumstances
  • Failing to understand your value and the impact that you want to make
  • Not putting yourself out there
  • Fearing the unknown
  • Assuming you have to have all the answers instead of learning as you go
  • Believing that money will make you happy

Are any of these mistakes holding you back from the life you want? The fact is, you can make the transition you want by building the right foundation. It requires a shift in your mindset and your approach. You need to maximize your time so that you focus on what really makes a difference.

“You can reduce risks, be responsible, and spend time on the right things to successfully transition without having to take a leap or worry about going in the wrong direction.” 

– Blake Schofield (0:57-1:08)

There is no path as fulfilling as recognizing your own value and creating life on your terms. With the right foundation, you can transition successfully and responsibly. You can have the freedom you want and know that your work is making a real difference. Align your life with your skills and core values. You have the time to take care of yourself so that you can better take care of others. Making a transition in life can be one of the biggest obstacles you overcome. When you get crystal clear on your goals and the actions you need to take, you begin laying the foundation for lasting success.

Rather than hoping the grass will be greener, identify what the RIGHT next step is.

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