Mistakes Made by New Business Owners

Ep: 57

So – you’re thinking of going your own way and creating a business to get you the fulfilling life you want. The process of starting a business from the ground up is intimidating, and it can be tough to know what advice to take and even how to proceed without taking a serious false step. As with a lot of situations in life, it helps to hear from someone who’s been where you are.

On this episode of The Bridge to Fulfillment, Blake outlines some of the most common mistakes up-and-coming business owners make, why starting out starving your new business won’t work, and – most importantly – the value of building a bridge rather than taking a leap. Join in to start out ahead of the pack.

You’ll Learn

  • How to analyze factors like demand, cash flow and statistics to set yourself up for a bright future
  • Why sequence matters when you’re building a new business
  • What good, solid, knowledgeable mentorship can add to your success
  • And much more!

Favorite Quote

“Here’s what I know to be true: without passion and a direct tie to a deep ‘why’ for the business that you’re building, you will face a lot of resistance.” Blake Schofield


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